New York Do’s
- wear good walking shoes. No matter where you‚re headed there will be walking involved, possibly running.
- eat pizza. Eat lots and lots and lots of pizza and don‚t let anyone tell you you‚ve eaten too much.
- Make a plan
- Go to Times Square, the Empire State Building, Top of the Rock, Rockefeller Center, the Statue of Liberty, or Central Park.
- Take a million pictures. Take scenic pics, selfies, group photos, do it all.
New York Don’ts
- DON‚T be afraid to ask for directions.
- DON‚T eat at chain restaurants.
- DON‚T be afraid to ditch your plan. Maybe you planned to get lunch on the upper east side but you stumbled upon the SandWitch cart in Bryant Park.
- DON‚T expect to do it all.