“A Culinary Voyage in a Vibrant and Modern Setting‚ Where Flavors are True, Unmasked and Authentic” The menu boasts a selection of Sushi and Teppanyaki drawn‚ from…
- Cebu
“A Culinary Voyage in a Vibrant and Modern Setting‚ Where Flavors are True, Unmasked and Authentic” The menu boasts a selection of Sushi and Teppanyaki drawn‚ from…
Chateau de Busay‚s fine dining tradition lives on. Amidst the lushness of nature, nourishment comes from Chateau de Busay‚s excellent selection of continental cuisine, from…
The term ‚circa‚ means ‚more or less‚, making it a perfect name for the restaurant since it is believed to be built around 1900’s. It…
Yakski Barbecue was started by Flaviano ‚Boyaks‚ Roxas in 2009. Inviting his friends to taste his barbecue using his special sauce, Yakski Barbecue gradually became…