Since its start on An-Nahar‚s iconic rooftop in 2006 and its upgrade to a larger rooftop located on Dora‚s sea side road in 2011, WHITE Beirut has established itself as a brand with an edict of outstanding electronic & house music with its featuring more top international DJs than any other club in Lebanon.
Following suite, WHITE Dubai will pursue and stay true to the same standards. With its location at Meydan Racecourse Grandstand, WHITE Dubai is a high-tech and ultramodern space that is the ultimate go-to party destination to steer anyone‚s evening escapades in the right direction, a night full of energy, thumping music and an overall feel-good vibe.
Like a fine wine (or a great scotch), the WHITE brand has matured. But don’t for a minute think we’ve slowed down. We still keep pace with the fast, fast city of Dubai, go out on hot dates, sip drinks alfresco, and indulge in wild nights. And do we still dance? Hell yeah, we still dance (how dare you even ask?). But we’re a bit wiser now; definitely more savvy, and have a ton of brand-new nighttime experiences to match any party-goer‚s ever-expanding tastes.