Located on Vörösmarty Square in the heart of Budapest, the Onyx Restaurant, opened its doors in April 2007.‚ With the opening of the restaurant it was our goal that there be to establish a restaurant of high international standing in Hungary. The restaurant is located adjacent to the renowned Caf Gerbeaud, on the site of the former ‚Little Gerbeaud‚. The philosophy of the restaurant and the Caf is one and the same everywhere: the encounter of tradition and innovation.
The kitchen staff has been working together for many years; partly due to this the restaurant has so quickly become well-known and recognized in Hungary. Under the direction of Onyx chef dám Mszáros and Gerbeaud Head chef gnes Tóth, only foods prepared with the finest ingredients, using the latest technologies appear on the menu of our 55-seat restaurant.
We have invested a lot of energy in researching regional ingredients. The result has led to the creation of our Hungarian Evolution Menu, where the freshest, highest-quality domestic ingredients and new technologies are used in the preparation and presentation of renewed and updated versions of traditional Hungarian cuisine. We set up a Chef Menu as well from the chefs‚ favourite dishes.