Bacchus wine bar and restaurant is located in the historic Calumet building in the heart of Buffalo’s entertainment district.
Bacchus Wine Bar & Restaurant is Buffalo‚s premier location for great food and unparallelled service.‚ Featuring creative and flavorful dishes created by Buffalo‚s own Nickel City Chef Brian Mietus, and adding an award winning, extensive wine list, one needs to look no further to find all of one‚s food service needs.‚ Wine Spectator has recognized‚ Bacchus‚ wine list for 10 consecutive‚ years. Located in the heart of Buffalo‚s historic‚ entertainment district, Bacchus offers a dining‚ experience unmatched in Western New York and‚ Southern Ontario.‚ Bacchus wine list and award‚ winning food pairings are offer in a stunning‚ dining room located on the main floor of the‚ recently renovated Calumet building.‚ Bacchus offers critically acclaimed dishes in our recently renovated main dining room and courtyard areas, and also recently added a customizable private dining room suited to meet and exceed your dining needs.
Bacchus has expanded to the space formerly‚ known as the 3rd room, The Private Dining Room,‚ it is a wonderful mix of original brickwork to‚ having state of the art technology. The space is‚ very arts and crafts inspired. The room is well‚ versed; it can handle a small intimate dinner‚ party, or a cocktail hors douvers reception for up‚ to 125 people.