
‚Brazilian gastronomy is a feasible dream.‚ This statement made by chef Alex Atala summarizes the trajectory of the D.O.M. Restaurant. Created at a time when little was known about Brazil‚s flavours, the D.O.M. was born like a project which is now a reality. A genuine reality that reverberates around the world, diffusing ingredients like a§a­, jambu, tucupi. Not by immodesty‚ by mission.

Currently elected the 9th best restaurant in the world by S. Pellegrino ‚World‚´s 50 Best Restaurants‚, D.O.M. is a unique restaurant without claiming to be eloquent. On the contraty, its message is syntactic and poignant: to step out the comfort zone and propose a new gastronomic experience, rescuing the most authentic flavours of Brazilian cuisine according to a contemporary gaze.