The ARC PARIS‚ , a legendary and world-famous place, expresses the quintessence of international luxury in a festive atmosphere, facing the square of the star and its famous arc de triomphe.‚ The ARC PARIS‚ and its exclusive “garden terrace”, offers a unique perspective on the nightlife of Paris.‚ The Parisian club has always been unanimous among the Parisians, from New York to Moscow, London and Milan and to celebrities from all over the world who are constantly treading the dancefloor of the bow … to the stars!
This exclusive club is host to previews, launches, aftershow, prestige operations and private events for jet set and fine flower Parisian.‚ A new showcase bringing together the international elite and all ‘gotha’,‚ L’ARC PARIS‚ is thought to be the ultimate new Parisian venue.