Since ancient times Vrmane Park has been one of the‚ favorite meeting of the inhabitants of Riga and recreation areas‚ .‚ Even now, nothing has changed, because the nightclub Coyote Fly every week brings together more than 4,500 vacationers, the best Latvian DJ, VJ and world-famous artists.‚ And there is no wonder …
Because only here bartender may be confused not only the best cocktails, but also the head, the DJ is able to set in motion not only the floor, but cast off the roof, and the club atmosphere – turn any day party.‚ And appreciated not only by demanding Riga nightlife lovers, but also such‚ celebrities‚ as Xzibit, Eve, Dizzee Rascal, Tony Hawks, Jon Olsson, The Dudesons and many others.‚ Coyote Fly the interior is quite special.
It combines ancient Verman garden with breathtaking‚ modernity‚ and corresponds to the location and the concert hall acoustics to here to enjoy not only a great rest and the company, but also an excellent sound, light and sensations.‚ Come to You!‚ Because of Verman garden special atmosphere people are talking a long time ago.‚ But that’s what everyone is talking and will talk in the coming years, is currently the subject Coyote Fly.