Plata was conceived in January 2016 by performer and lyric fusion poet‚ Lady Zen. She came to San Miguel De Allende in the fall of 2015, and began weaving into the local art and music scene. Her talent and drive established her as a creative force, and allowed her expand into owning an entertainment venue in the heart of Centro. San Miguel is known for its rich artistic community, and in creating Plata, a culture hub‚ for creatives and art appreciators was born. Lady Zen is a cornerstone to Plata, performing and singing her original compositions on Wednesday nights, in addition to overseeing‚ operations.
Plata has featured local and international music, fashion, dance, film, comedy, visual and performance art talent, entertainers and personalities. Mistress of nightlife,‚ Aquarius Funkk, serves as social media maven & resident performance artist. The club is centered on providing a haven for LGBTQ and allied individuals ‚‚ a respectful and safe space open to all. Plata is more than a bar, it is an experience.