This shopping plaza holds a lion‚s share in attracting herds of shoppers to Barcelona. Built in the classic Dutch colonial style, this is the most visited shopping complex in eastern Venezuela.
President Rafael Antonio Caldera inaugurated this center in 1995 whose design is inspired by Spanish and Italian architecture. On the other hand, the enticing walkways and gardens conjure in mind the image of the well-managed Italian city, Venice.
This colorful market is also the central commercial area of the city where you can find almost everything. It has different food kiosks, outdoor restaurants and several shops where different sorts of items are sold. And if you are tired of wandering around in these unique shops, you can always board on your boat. A safe passage from the market will take you to your boat.
Centro Commercial Plaza Mayor also offers a number of recreational activities for tourists to indulge in. In addition, movies, parks, food shows and bars alongside the street ensure a pleasant time. Also, it is a good place to hang out with your friends and family.