The Rajalla Shopping Center – P Grnsen‚ is a shopping center located in‚ Tornio‚ ,‚ Finland and Sweden‚ , which opened‚ on 30 October‚ 2008‚ .‚ However, the shopping center is entirely located on the Finnish side (situation in June 2011).‚ Its back wall is about 10 meters to the national border.
There are about 50 companies in the shopping center, including‚ hypermarkets‚ , specialty shops and restaurants.‚ The building has three floors, of which the ground floor is completely car park.‚ The shopping center is owned by the‚ Varma‚ Employee Pension Insurance‚ Company‚ and was constructed by the Swedish Construction‚ Company‚ NCC‚ .‚ The shopping center is part of a joint venture between Tornio and‚ Haaparanta‚ to link city centers.