
The pure substance is located in the historical Edison farms, where the first incandescent lamps in Germany were manufactured by Thomas Alva Edison from 1883 to 1905 by order of Moritz Emil Rathenau and the General Electricity Society (AEG). In 2003, the clinker constructions were reprocessed in detail, partly overpopulated and provided with a lot of glass. And so the dynamic industrial architecture can still be seen today, as it was the beginning of the 19th century in Berlin.

The particular industrial charm is also reflected in the restaurant with its original brick walls, the high glass windows, old iron columns and metal pipes as well as the nearly four-meter-high Prussian cuttings. An intelligent “room-in-space concept” with clean lines, a spotlight on the tables as well as a subtle furnishing creates the typical, intimate, unpretentious and elegant atmosphere for the pure substance.

The view of the restaurant is the spherical sky, which consists of 240 silver glass spheres in different sizes, soothing the room both spatially and acoustically, but at the same time keeping its height noticeable. Visually, the intelligently placed mirrors intensify the horizon into infinite space. The color scheme is deliberately discreet and consists, in addition to the red brick and the black iron columns, predominantly of black and lime green design elements.