‚Restaurant Quintessence‚ strives to create a new form of ‚cuisine contemporain‚ and new standards in French cuisine in welcoming its future guests.
The menu of our shop is “only one course of the auto campaign” for both lunch and dinner, which is important to bring out the maximum amount of ingredients. Depending on the seasonal material, the contents of the menu will change constantly.
All of our efforts are placed only to serve our guests the best dish of the day. We select premium products and ingredients from various regions of the world, and take great care in how we prepare. We respect the maturity of each ingredient, and the amount of heat used in cooking such ingredients.
A special aspect of our restaurant is in the ‚cuisson‚, or the art of the fire used in our cooking process, which our Chef Kishida acquired in the now 3-star Michelin restaurant ‚L‚Astrance‚ in Paris. For example, we use the unique process of low-temperature long-time roasting in order to extract the delicate flavor from the top quality meat. Despite its time consuming process, we do not hesitate to prepare each meat using this unique process to serve our guests the best. This is one of the main reasons why we provide one and only ‚menu carte blanche‚ for the guests.
Every product and ingredient that we use are in their best conditions to serve our guests. Never do we use yesterday‚s materials for tomorrow‚s meal. As our Chef Kishida remarks, ‚It‚s the same as in a sushi bar, they never use the rice from yesterday‚s sushi‚. This in itself refers to the ‚3 processes‚ which is what Kishida honors.