Siem Reap Do‚s
- Do specify what kind of Angkor Wat pass you purchased. There are three kinds of passes for travelers, including 1 day pass ($20), 3 days‚ pass ($40) and 1 week pass ($60).
- Do keep your pass handy, as it will be checked when you entering the temples.
- Do see the sunset the night before. Your Angkor Wat pass offers you access to the complex starting at 5:0 pm on the previous day, during which you can catch the phenomenal sunset at Phnom Bakheng.
- Do hire a good guide if you really want to understand the thousands of carvings adorning the temples and get tips on how to visit Angkor Wat in the best way.
- Do get Angkor Wat at opening time so you may get one of the temples all to yourself and you can avoid the unbearable heat by mid-morning.
- Do dress modestly. Though you won‚t be denied entry at the temples, please remember it is an important religious site where people came to pray. If you wish to climb up to the towers, it is perfectly acceptable to wear long pants or shorts that right above the knee, and clothing that covered shoulders and chest.
- Do wear sensible shoes for it is a lot of stairs and climbing.
- Do bring sunscreen and insect repellent with you.
Siem Reap Don‚ts
- Don‚t drink tap water. Reputable brands of bottled water or soft drinks are usually fine. For the humidity weather of Cambodia, you may easily get dehydrated, especially in summer time. Remember to bring enough water with you.
- Don‚t climb where signs posts say not to climb for it is dangerous.
- Don‚t give children vendors candies if you don‚t intend to buy their products.