The history of Brixton Jamm has seen the building take many forms. Once a travellers‚ inn in the 18th‚ century, to the Ye Old White Horse in the 19th century to the 21st century as a unique, multi-purpose music venue offering club nights, casual bar drinks, food and an outdoor terrace space.
Brixton Jamm has become a staple party venue for Brixton and South London. We‚ve been bringing all kinds of great music to the people for over 10 years, cementing us as one of‚ South London‚s must-visit venues. And through it all we‚ve watched some of the biggest artists in‚ the world, come through our doors and jump off our stage!
The extended club room is home to the first Martin Audio MLA Compact sound system to be installed into a UK venue alongside a cutting-edge lighting rig. The multi-purpose intimate bar room now hosts reservable, booth seating before turning into a late night disco. Outside is a comfortable courtyard home to various terrace events with top class DJs, street food, cocktails and dancing.