Kaxapa Factory was established 6 years ago, where our‚ clients come‚ first and everything is made‚ from the bottom‚ of our heart”. ‚ After the Christmas holidays of 2010, feeling homesick we decided to open up a restaurant to celebrate the traditional and tasteful food made during that‚ time of the year. One year later we came up with the‚ idea of‚ opening a little place where we can offer all of the people of Playa del Carmen the wonderful cuisine of Venezuela.
‚ With a total of 9‚ tables‚ and‚ a capacity of 35 people, the warmth and kindness of the restaurant‚ is our‚ greatest‚ characteristic.
Our chef has created more than 25 authentic and flavorful dishes, which we feel will offer a traditional Venezuelan‚ experience. ‚Our wonderful chef, Vilma, is our biggest inspiration in the kitchen at Kaxapa Factory. Her great culinary touch, along with the hospitality of our hosts, will make you feel like you are visiting a relative‚s home.
‚From a “Patacón”‚ (deep fried green plantain) to the‚ distinguished‚ “Arepa” (cornmeal round flatbread), and topped off with a refreshing‚ “jugo de‚ parchita”‚ (passion fruit juice)‚ or‚ a‚ “papelón con limón” (sugar cane juice with lemon);‚ Kaxapa Factory is the‚ perfect place‚ to‚ savour and indulge in our extensive‚ and flavorful Venezuelan menu
‚‚Make yourself at home and let us‚ take good care of you at Kaxapa Factory!