Serrekunda‚ Do‚s
- Take out holiday insurance before travelling;
- take your‚ anti-Malaria‚ medications regularly
- take your footwear off before entering a house;
- greet‚ people with your right hand;
- ask for permission before taking‚ photos;
- avoid walking alone at night or in isolated places;
- be cautious of giving rides to people you don’t know;
- know very well the person you give your address to;
- put‚ money‚ in a safe pocket or purse;
- introduce potential friends to your host‚ family‚ or colleagues;
- visit public places and use public transportation when possible;
Serrekunda Don‚ts
- expose large sums ofmoney‚ when on holiday;
- display physical affection in the open.
- smellfood‚ before eating it;
- point at individuals with your finger;
- hold food with your left hand;
- be judgmental aboutreligion;
- be overly friendly with people’s wives or husbands
- offer your left hand to receive things;
- handle animals (especially monkeys, canines and cats);
- swim in fresh water, particularly theriver
- drink‚ alcohol in an Islamic‚ compound