Mamak‚ is an award winning Malaysian‚ restaurant, with branches in Sydney and Melbourne. Named after the roadside stalls of Kuala Lumpur that peddle Indian Malay street food, Mamak‚ is renown for authentic, bold and traditional flavours, with smart and friendly service.
Three good friends, Alan, Clement and Julian wanted to open a restaurant. Living in Sydney, they‚ missed eating freshly made‚ Roti Canai,‚ sipping on‚ frothy‚ Teh Tarik and snacking on smoky Satay skewers. It was the‚ food‚ they‚ loved from their youthful days in Kuala Lumpur. They decided to put their corporate careers on hold, pack‚ their bags, and travel to Malaysia.
In 2007, the first restaurant opened‚ in the heart of the Sydney CBD. Mamak, named after the roadside stalls that peddle Indian Malay street food‚ became an instant hit with the locals.‚ Crowds gathered, lines extended out the door and queues wrapped around the block.