Naama Bay, also known as the center of Sharm El Sheikh, this place has an enormous variety of stores selling almost any product you are looking for.
Naama Bay starts to hustle and bustle when the sun goes down, and usually around midnight starts to clear of the keen shoppers, and party people, finely dressed can be seen going from venue to venue.
There are plenty of shops, restaurants and agencies that have open until late night. Plenty of shisha (traditional water pipe) places can be found next to the pavements, and people smoke their shisha while chatting about the experiences of the day. Tobacco for the shisha exists in various flavours, such like apple, strawberry, vanilla etc. and it can be baught in many shops for a very small aamount of money. Also plenty of bars, food resturants on the trip around. The place seems to come to life after dark though.