Yorkdale Shopping Centre is Canada‚s leading shopping destination and most successful shopping centre with a diverse mix of more than 270 shops and services. Shoppers from throughout the Greater Toronto Area and around the world look to Yorkdale for an exceptional selection of the world‚s best fashion, technology and luxury brands. Recent expansions now bring Yorkdale to nearly 2 million square feet and the centre continues to serve as a platform for new and innovative brands. Yorkdale is co-owned by Oxford Properties and Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) and managed by Oxford Properties Group.
In addition to an array of fashion and accessory stores, Yorkdale has recently opened its doors to unique retailers like The LEGO Store and Zara Home.‚ Explore at your leisure before grabbing a snack at one of the mall‚s sit-down restaurants (Moxie‚s or Milestone‚s are always popular choices). Then pack your bags back into the car to continue your shopping extravaganza.