Globus was founded in 1907 in‚ Zurich, and now has stores in all major Swiss cities. The chain sells mostly‚ upscale‚ goods, including‚ clothing,‚ cosmetics,‚ jewelry‚ and household supplies. The stores are noted for their extensive‚ delicatessen‚ section, called Globus Delicatessa, and their former mascot,‚ Globi, the‚ comic books‚ about whom have been a fixture in the childhood of many Swiss.

Globus shopping mall has an extensive fashion department, stocking a wide range of interesting designers and some jeans brands that can be hard to track down in Switzerland (for example, Adriano Goldschmied), a well-stocked sports department, an extensive selection of lingerie and some interesting interiors products. It also has a renowned food department in the basement and caf that‚s popular for lunch or grabbing a quick mid-afternoon snack. Globus also has an outpost on Bellevue (Theaterstrasse 12), which has a large, stylish food court.