Cape Town Do’s
- Visit these places – Kistenbosch Gardens,All the beaches (Camps Bay, Hout Bay),Cape‚ Point, Stellenboch,Paarl, Cablecar up Table‚ Mountain.
- Take these Tours:Winelands,Paarl,Cape‚ Point,around Cape Town, North to‚ Wildflowers (in Oct. & November), Garden
- Route.
- Fly using Virgin Atlantic,Lufthansa, KLM or‚ Qatar Airlines.
- Tip all parking attendants & adjacent bad‚ guys – you will be sorry if you don’t!
- Forget about claiming on taxes paid (VAT).‚ It is a waste of time, as they only pay 50%‚ on gifts only (not hotels,autos & meals)!
- Save yourself the bother!
- Best Car Hire is Budget.
- Take some of the outstanding wines home‚ with you.
- Eat out a lot – the food is generally‚ outstanding and inexpensive. Thier beers‚ are excellent.
- Eat their candy – delicious.
- Try the local dried meat “biltong” -‚ wonderful.
Cape Town Don’t
- Hire a car. Very expensive,driving is very‚ dangerous, & streets are unsafe.If you‚ must, comprehensive insurance is a must.
- Go to Robben Island (unless you are in to‚ Black Power).Commentary one-sided.
- Give Long Street Area a miss (unless you‚ are in to slum clubbing). Bad guys and‚ thugs are everywhere. No police presence!
- Don’t use British Airways. They have‚ lowered their standards and are now late,‚ give poor service & have airfares more than
- twice the a totally‚ non-refundable & non-changable ticket‚ called a “throwaway ticket”.
- Don’t wander around the Central City at‚ night – it is very dangerous.
- Avoid Johannesburg at all costs-it is the‚ most dangerous city in the world.
- Avoid Cape Town Airport at peak hours -this is one of the worst airports in the‚ world: terribly slow,bad traffic,‚ incompetent staff.
- Do not try to bring biltong home – Canada‚ Customs & the US Customs will nail you!