Canal Walk Shopping Centre is one of Africa‚s leading super-regional retail centres. Its dominant presence attracts diverse shoppers from an extensive portion of the Western Cape, and further afield, with its comprehensive retail and leisure options.‚ Merging the‚ world‚s most desirable brands with shopping convenience, entertainment and everyday leisure, all in a majestic setting.
It is located in‚ Century City, a 250ha business and lifestyle precinct, midway between Cape Town‚s CBD and Northern Suburbs. Total development in‚ Century City since 1995 has topped R23 billion. More than 600 000m‚² of office and retail space has been built to date and Century City has become an important office node in the Western Cape having attracted new regional offices for a growing list of blue-chip companies.
More than 3,000 homes have already been completed and there are now approximately 60,000 people living and working in Century City, embracing its people-centered principle of new urbanism by creating a live, work and play environment all within walking distance of each other.