The Pot Luck Club, situated on the top floor of the Silo of the Old Biscuit Mill on Albert Road, Woodstock opened February 14th 2013. Since its opening day the pot luck has filled 2 sitting‚s each night throughout high and low season, running to capacity of one hundred and twenty guests. It has been dubbed the coolest place to be in Cape Town and its success is based on innovative cuisine, served in a relaxed yet edgy environment in a part of Cape Town that has never attracted an evening dining crowd.
Luke collaborated with renowned Cape Town based architect Greg Scot along with some of the city‚s foremost art and design personalities.
Pot Luck‚s food and menus are based on the inspiration Dale Roberts has gained from his extensive travels to South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. The food is ever evolving and new dishes are developed on a regular basis.The Pot Luck Club concept was developed as a brand that could be transported and replicated in other cities or countries.
The menus are standardized and designed with the idea that wherever you may be eating a Pot Luck dish you will be sure that the appearance, presentation and flavor will be exactly the same.