Old Stone Steakhouse‚ sits amidst historic‚ downtown Belmont in the beautifully restored Belmont Police Department, a building that has occupied Belmont’sMain Street for more than 100 years.‚ The old police station was converted into this 2,800 square foot restaurant in 2007,‚ while‚ preserving‚ the rustic appeal of its former days and the small town, friendly feel of‚ the local community. You will even find the original police station lettering lining the back wall of the establishment,‚ as well as‚ the old jailhouse still standing watch behind the restaurant.
With less than 200 residents at the turn of the century, the organization of Chronicle Mills in 1901 marked the beginning of Belmont’s development as a textile center.‚ Today more than 10,000 people call Belmont home.