UAE Do’s
- Take photographs of the UAE‚s attractions and photos of your family.
- Wear bikins and swimwear at beaches and pools but not in the streets and malls.
- Keep your money, passport, and important documents safe at all times.
- Drive if you have an international driving license.
- Locate the embassy of your country and information about it for emergencies.
- Respect the ladies‚ section, including toilets.
- Respect islam, the ruling family, and the traditions.
- Face the person talking to you.
- Use your right hand to greet someone, take, give, or accept something.
- Enjoy tourist facilities and have a great time.
UAE Don‚ts
- Take photos of strangers or official buildings.
- Drink alcohol unless you‚re at a club or if you have a license.
- Take in drugs because they are strictly forbidden.
- Swim topless if you are a woman(bikinis are allowed)
- Wear short shorts, dresses, skirts, or any type of clothing that reveals much cleavage.
- Kiss, hug or hold someone‚s hand(the reader should be able to differenciate between innocent and sexual behavior.
- Sit on someone‚s lap (children are an exception).
- Stare at people or point the sole of your shoe to someone‚s face for they are considered rude.
- Touch a Qur‚an if you are not Muslim.
- Joke around and shove your companions (friends, family) in public places.
- Employ any worker on someone else‚s visa, or no visa at all. You could be fined.
- Litter since it is strictly forbidden in all 7 emirates.
- Cross the street at undesignated areas.
- Ask a lady for directions or instruction if she is accompanied by her husband (ask her husband instead).