Miami Do’s
- DO wash out jars and containers before recycling.
- DO be conscious of what you consume‚recycling is just one component of total waste reduction.
- DO take plastic bags to your local supermarket to be properly recycled.
- DO consult the ‚Recycling Toolbox‚ before disposing of something you aren‚t sure how to dispose of properly.
- DO pick a night and hire a driver.
- DO check out the pop-up bars and clubs.
- DO eat before you go.
Miami Don’ts
- DON‚T recycle paper and cardboard products (e.g. pizza boxes) with excess dirt or grease.
- DON‚T flush any medication down the toilet.
- DON‚T place plastic bags in your single-stream recycling bin
- DON‚T pour grease or oil down drains.
- DON’T‚ Party until 4 a.m. every night.
- DON’T‚ Rent a car.
- DON‚T try to crash a party you weren‚t invited to.
- DON‚T expect people to dress Miami-esque.