‚ This is probably the most famous swiss menu. Fondue is made out of molten cheese. We eat it by dipping small pieces of bread in the molten cheese. The secret lies in the right mixture of different flavors of cheese. Typically, fondue is served on cold winter days, but many restaurants serve it all your round.

Pastetli (Meat pie):
“Pastetli” usually come in a round shape. The picture on the left shows a very special shape, perfectly suited for a romantic dinner for two. There are different styles of fillings, it may include mushrooms and meat on a creamy sauce. They are usually served with rice and peas.

Rippli (Ribs):
“Rippli” means, ribs taken from pork. In the region of Bern, it is served with bacon, beans and potatoes.

“Sauerkraut” is a very traditional menu. There are dozens of different recipes for Sauerkraut, some include potatoes or meat.

Teigwaren (Pasta), Vegetarian menu:
“Pasta tri colori” (three colors) in the colors of the italian flag red, white and green with vegetables.
Salat (salad):
Salads have a long tradition in Switzerland and are served in many different flavors, either as a side order or as a full meal.

Wurstsalat (Sausage Salad):
This is a perfect meal on a hot summer day. Often, it is served with bread and ice tea or beer.

Z¼rcher Eintopf (Hot-pot Z¼rich style):
Meat and vegetables are all served in the same pot.

Z¼rcher Geschnetzeltes (cut meat Z¼rich style):
‚ While it is possible to use any type of meat to prepare this menu, the real “Z¼rcher Geschnetzeltes” is made with cut veal. Traditionally, it comes with hashed potatoes, but it could also be served with rice, pasta or mashed potatoes.

Apfelk¼chlein (Deep fried apple cookie):
‚ “Apfelk¼chlein” (deep fried apple cookie) taste great either warm or cold, with or without vanilla sauce.

Basler Leckerli (Basel cookies):
‚ These are very special cookies made with lots of honey – very sweet, they taste just wonderful‚ …

Brunsli (Swiss brownies, Christmas treat):
“Brunsli” (Swiss brownies) also a traditional Swiss Christmas treat.

Chrbeli (Anise cookies, Christmas treat):
“Chrbeli” (Anise cookies) also a traditional Swiss Christmas treat.

Fasnachtsk¼chlein (Carnival cookies):
“Fasnachtsk¼chlein” (Carnival cookies) – also known as “Chn¼bltz” (“knee cookies”) – are traditional cookies served during carnival season. Carnival festivities usually take place in February throughout Switzerland. Some towns are very famous for their carnival parades, the most famous takes place in Basel city. Carnival in Switzerland is similar to Mardi Gras in the USA.

Mailnderli (Milano cookies, Christmas treat):
There are many different Christmas treats in Switzerland, “Mailnderli” (Milano cookies) are amongst the most famous.

Nusstorte (Nut cake):
‚ There are different recipes for “Nusstorte” (nut cake), the most famous is probably the one from the Engadina (a well known valley in the canton Graub¼nden).
R¼ebli Kuchen (Carrot cake):
In the opinion of our kids, this is the best way to serve carrots. It could be made as a cake – as shown here – or even more often as a pie. Often, it is decorated with little carrots made out of marzipan.

Schokolade Kuchen (Chocolate cake):
This is my personal favorite – a real dream come true when prepared by my wife. We call it “spider web pie”‚ …
Schwabenbrötli (Swabia cookies):
‚ “Schwabenbrötli” (Swabia cookies) are another traditional Christmas treat.
Zimtsterne (Cinnamon cookies, Christmas treat):
“Zimtsterne” (Cinnamon cookies) are another traditional, very delicious Christmas treat.

Magenbrot (sweet pieces of bread):
‚ “Magenbrot” sweet pieces of bread, often sold at street faires (“Chilbi”) etc.