Pub-restaurant‚ Abeerdeen‚ works in St. Petersburg,‚ on‚ Liteiny pr., 10.‚ Our city is, of course, referred to as a “window to Europe”, but has traditionally been associated with the Netherlands and some places with Italy.‚ It would seem, here and Scotland and‚ ,‚ in particular‚ ,‚ the city of Aberdeen?
Crossing the threshold of the pub‚ Abeerdeen‚ , guest institution is in amodern‚ version of the‚ Scottish‚ first generic‚ a closed‚ as well‚ : a faceted stone, dark wood,‚ forging, matte-dimming mirror …
Hefty entrance wooden doors are heavy enough for the young ladies, who decided to look here alone.‚ Both men were close often help girls cope with them.‚ The nature of institutions is best embodies perhaps the most famous is now the Scot, Tomas Shon Konneri, whose portrait and greets visitors.