Angkor Trade Canter (ATC) is a modern and convenience mall in Siem Reap City that provided with four floors and one underground floor of the building. Angkor Trade Centre was builded in 2006 and finished in 2008 and it stared open for the first time in February (2008). The department and managements of the shopping centre are business and also department stores.
Angkor Trade Center is the first contemporary shopping centre in Siem Reap, featuring international restaurant chains, independent boutiques, entertainment venues, and a supermarket. Just a two-minute stroll from Phsar Chas (Old Market), this two-storey mall is located in Siem‚s Reap‚s Mondul 1 Village. There‚s a games arcade and cinema on the third floor, while Swenson‚s Ice Cream and Pizza Company are set within the ground floor. While Angkor Trade Center is your run-of-the-mill shopping mall, it‚s a good option for when you need to stock up on toiletries and food items from back home.
The shopping mall also offered underground parking, which is very useful for parking area around the building, that reducing struck for the traffic along the street around the building.