If it‚s glitzy nightlife you‚re after, you could do worse than put your trust in the hands of‚ Le Baron‚s founder, Andr‚ ‚ no last name needed. A master of fads and hipster it-kid, he knows how to throw a party. Lauded by locals and jetset visitors alike as the best place to dance, there‚s usually a crowd of paps outside the tiny venue (it barely holds a hundred anorexic fashionistas) and a decent smattering of famous faces lighting up the‚ VIP‚ lounge.
It‚s clubby (regulars can usually be found hanging out at‚ Le Fidelit‚ earlier in the evening), but should you make it past the picky door team, you‚ll find yourself in what used to be a working bordello, with remnants still in evidence; two-way mirrors, velvet banquettes and semi-risqu fashion photography line the red walls, with music veering from 80s club classics to Michael Jackson throwbacks and crowd-pleasing chart toppers.