The‚ The Dock’s club‚ is a‚ nightclub‚ located in‚ Lisbon‚ (Alcntara).‚ This is a‚ nightclub‚ designed for all those who want an extremely lively night!‚ Space has reinvented itself over the years, always maintaining its multifaceted character.‚ Considered one of the‚ nightlife‚ venues of‚ Lisboeta‚ , the‚ Dock’s Club‚ in Lisbon, has to offer‚ nights‚ filled with a little of all‚ musical styles‚ , also mixing Energy, Good Atmosphere and Beautiful People.
The space consists of‚ six bars‚ , three private areas, a terrace and a central lane where entertainment is guaranteed.‚ Much more than a‚ nightclub‚ in Lisbon,The Dock’s Club‚ is a‚ nightclub‚ that keeps a loyal audience and is constantly increasing the number of fans!