The Flying Hanuman Phuket is located near Kathu waterfall an area covered by thick tropical forest. The Flying Hanuman Tour is for all like to discover a hidden part of Phuket Island and love Zip lining & Flying Fox adventures.
Environmentally aware,‚ solidly based on Nature, and subject to daily checks and inspections, Flying‚ Hanuman is the 100% Phuket jungle experience. ‚Fly‚ above thick jungle and mix‚ Nature with adrenaline as you zipline 40 metres high from tree to tree. Flying‚ Hanuman features: 28 platforms, two sky bridges, three spiral stairways, a sky‚ rail, a 20-minute wilderness walk as well as a Hanuman meal and a seasonal‚ fruit bowl.
With your safety as a top priority, Flying Hanuman is designed to‚ leave a minimal carbon footprint with external tree drilling only; it‚s all‚ about keeping you secure while giving you the biggest adrenalin rush possible.