Glenfield Mall‚ is a shopping centre in the North Shore suburb of Glenfield, Auckland in New Zealand. Opened in 1971, it is situated between Glenfield Road and Downing Street. The mall was bought by Westfield Group in 1996.‚ In 2000, a major renovation was concluded by Westfield, which cost $100 million.‚ On 30 November 2015, Scentre Group, the owner and manager of Westfield Shopping Centres, sold the mall to Ladstone Glenfield Limited, a subsidiary of Ladstone Holdings Limited.
The centre features major retailers including Farmers, The Warehouse and two Countdowns.
In a 2008 rating of New Zealand shopping centres by a retail expert group, Westfield Glenfield received just two out of four stars, the lowest rating in the country (though not the lowest that would have been possible), based on the criteria of amount of shopping area, economic performance, amenity and appeal as well as future growth prospects. The reviewers considered that the centre was facing strong competition, including from its newer and larger sister centre Westfield Albany. The centre’s management disagreed and noted that the centre remained a convenient family-focused destination.