
Irish Bar

The Irish Bar was established in 1998 on Taipa Island, Macau, just opposite to the Macau Jockey Club. Actual reason and date remain blurry to this day, with several stories in circulation. Pictures around the wall track a little bit of this history. The title of course is a dead giveaway as to theme of the pub! with the owners not wanting to cause any confusion in the translation into Chinese and Portuguese (official languages in Macau) by coming up with some Irish surname.

Draft Guinness and Kilkenny are available as well as draft Carlsberg, Stella, Becks, Hoegaarden and Blackthorn cider. There is Magners bottled cider and various beer bottled brands including popular Australian beers such as VB, Crown Lager, James Boag and Pure Blonde. So covering a lot of beer and cider tastes we hope. And served cold too! Naturally a good selection of Irish (and others) whiskies are available.