The‚ Pirate Club Costa Rica‚ doesn‚t require a membership. However, all new visitors are asked to take a tour of the Club with one of the lovely chicas. Be sure you tell the beautiful girl behind the bar‚ this is your first visit!
The‚ Pirate Club Costa Rica‚ is a ‚Pension‚. This means that we have rooms available for rent. Simply choose one of the‚ many available girls and rent a room. Most guests‚ are accustomed to massage parlors; The‚ Pirate Club Costa Rica‚ is similar; once you pay for the room you will have the privacy with the girl or girls with whom you would like to spend time.
Under Costa Rican laws, The‚ Pirate Club Costa Rica‚ is similar to a Hotel however we do not provide overnight stays.
The bar was designed like a Pirate Ship. All rooms are air conditioned, and have private showers with hot water. Our rooms are nicely designed and have comfortable full size beds. Our regular customers will tell you that we have the best rooms in the business. Some of the other places will have small uncomfortable massage tables or small beds with community showers.