Razzel‚s, Clearwater‚s favorite sports bar, is your one location to play sports games like pool, virtual bowling, virtual golf or electronic darts. Our Golden T Live Golf and Silver Strike Online Bowling is played on huge 50‚ screens! Putt Putt Golf puts you right in the middle of the action.
Their drinks are simple, you can be left alone to drink or talk in private, and d-bags aren‚t welcome. But that‚s not all there is to them. Dive bars have that something special that make you feel welcome as soon as you walk in.
Sports Lounge with a nightclub twist. Full Liquor, Food, Pool Tables, Darts, Silver Strike Bowling, Golden T, Putt Putt, TouchTunes Jukebox, Table Top Games.12 plus TV’s,DJ on Friday&Saturday Nights, Dance Floor, Smoking Permitted. $2 and up drink special