Seven years ago, the first rock bar in Sofia opened after a long invasion of \ “folk music \” establishments.‚ Since then Rock \ ‘n \’ rolla not only has become one of the leading establishments in Sofia but also showed that not everything is folk music and there are people who want to listen to different music and have fun normally.‚ As one of our customers wrote \ “one of the few places where you can see so many smiling faces. \” The lack of posturing, pleasant atmosphere and foreigners who have become a big part of the normal clientele.
This is a place where you can watch the concert of your favorite artist, the game of your favorite team, dance or just enjoy good music with a bottle of beer in hand that will not break your daily budget.‚ Or, if you want to show their singing ability, he has a special karaoke room, where you can show his true talent.‚ Many people accuse us of the music I play is just hits and it’s too soft.
However, as the name indicates, we are rock club, not heavy metal and if you like thrash or black metal, this is not your place.‚ But if you’re a rock fan, you can party until the morning.‚ The capacity is 500 people, but individual rooms make it suitable for a party of 50. Rock \ ‘n \’ rolla different choice for those who are fed up with all the new hit clubs, complete with bodyguards and posers.