Dolphin Mall brings together over 240 fashion-forward and family-friendly retailers in a value oriented setting, making it the ultimate shopping destination in Miami. ‚ The blend of outlet and popular fashion retailers offers a mix of men‚s and women‚s apparel, sporting goods, shoes, accessories and much more, from names like Armani Exchange, Calvin Klein, Bloomingdale‚s ‚ The Outlet Store, Neiman Marcus Last Call, Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH and more. ‚
In addition to world-class shopping, Dolphin Mall is home to over 30 dining and entertainment options, including KOBE Japanese Steak & Seafood, The Cheesecake Factory, CinBistro and Strike Miami. ‚ Make Dolphin Mall your next shopping destination, and experience for yourself the ultimate blend of fashion, outlet shopping and fun at the largest value mall in Miami.‚