Menara Mall‚ is the largest commercial centre in Marrakech, boasting over 100 retail outlets covering over 50 000 square metres of floor space. Newly opened in Fall of 2015, the list of stores already actively trading include Cafe Coton, Z Cration, Marina Rinaldi, Max Mara, Pal Zileri and Nectarome.
On the first floor of the Menara Mall Marrakech is an interesting concept, ‚Le Souk‚, which seeks to capture the scents and colours of the souks in the anciente medina. A selection of shops represent the craftsmanship of some the finest artisans of Marrakech.
The food court offers several options of fast dining, and on the ground floor level, you‚ll find La Table du March, a true Marrakech institution for lovers of quality bakery and patisserie items. The caf offers its prestigious range of chocolates, macaroons and pastries, and also light savoury meals, tea and coffee.