Ho Chi Minh has left an indelible mark on Vietnamese history and he is revered in Hanoi as the country‚s greatest leader. Nicknamed ‚Uncle Ho‚ by locals, his preserved body is now laid to rest in a glass case in the Ba Dinh area of Hanoi. This is more than a tourist attraction, it is a part of living history and a visit here stays long in the memory. The sombre building was modeled after Lenin‚s mausoleum in Moscow.
Started in 1973, the construction of the mausoleum was modeled on Lenin’s mausoleum in Russia and was first open to the public in 1975. The granite building meant a great deal for many locals as it ensures that their beloved leader ‚lives on forever‚.
Security is tight and visitors should dress with respect (no shorts, sleeveless shirts and miniskirts) and everyone has to deposit their bags and cameras before getting in. Visitors are not allowed to stop and hold the constant queue up as the place is constantly busy. Uncle Ho‚s remains are sent yearly to Russia for maintenance therefore the mausoleum is closed usually from October onwards. It‚s best to recheck with your hotel tour desk before visiting. Admission is free but donations are accepted.