The BARBADOS MUSEUM, once housed the former military prison of St. Ann’s Garrison. It is‚ one of several buildings that make up the Historic Garrison Area.
Built between 1817 and 1820, the prison was later leased to the Barbados Museum and Historical Society in 1933. From the building’s structure to its many galleries, all displaying an element of old Barbados, the Museum is a fascinating visit. The Museum also hosts visiting exhibits of modern art among other temporary displays.
The MUSEUM GALLERIES hold displays on‚ Natural History,‚ Amerindian Culture,‚ Barbadian History,‚ African and European Decorative Arts,‚ Antique Maps and Prints.
The MUSEUM SHOP carries a wide range of West Indian books, reproductions of maps, prints and other Museum specimens, as well as a splendid array of Barbadian craft and jewellery.
The CAFE offers lunches, teas, or a quick snack. Special rates for groups and a special educational programme for schools are available.
At the Barbados Museum visitors will meet such interesting people and find an extensive and varied collection, appealing to a wide range of interests.