Since the opening in 1932 The Alcron restaurant has remained the home of exquisite cuisine collecting awards from all over the world, a place of happiness and well-being during gatherings with friends for philosophical or political meditation. The layout of the restaurant was slightly changed after the reconstruction in the year 2000 however the tradition and the saying which indicates the highest standards ‚This feels like The Alcron‚ lives on.
The interior‚s intimate atmosphere of candles, its images of dancing couples in New York by Tamara de Lempicka and with its fireplace from the thirties offer an intimate seating for a mere 24 guests. An excellent choice of delicate dishes in the form of degustation menus is awaiting you, a choice from fish and seafood prepared creatively with care and love by one of the most talented Chefs in the Czech Republic‚ Roman Paulus.
With its gourmet dishes, beautiful surroundings and courteous staff The Alcron truly promises an unforgettable evening.
The Alcron restaurant was, in years 2012 – 2016 awarded Michelin Star, is regularly placed in the‚ Top 10 chart of the best restaurants‚ which is completed by the Czech guide for gourmet Maurer‚´s Choice Grand Restaurant and in the year of 2009 The Alcron placed 1st‚ of this chart. Likewise The Alcron is enlisted in the prestigious guide Michelin and in the German Der Feinschmecker. Since the year of 2003 until the year of 2006 The Alcron restaurant was the holder of an award from the American Academy of Hospitality Sciences in New York, ‚the Five Star Diamond‚.