Situated 200,000 m above the Polar Circle, 20 minutes‚ drive from Ylls, this unique hotel offers rooms made of ice, 2 restaurants and many organised activities. Levi is 45 km away. SnowVillage‚s snow rooms feature sculpted ice furniture, and some also have ice and snow carvings. Sleeping bags with fleece liners and personal wake-up service with free hot berry drink are included. All bathroom facilities are shared and can be found in a heated underground building nearby.
Upon arrival, guests are given a tour of the property, including sleepover instructions. In addition, SnowVillage offers organised activities such as ice fishing, dog sledding trips and snowmobile and reindeer safaris. The heated indoor Log Restaurant serves a large breakfast buffet as well as Lapland cuisine for lunch and dinner. Housed in a 10-meter-high snow igloo, Ice Bar & Restaurant offers a varied la carte dinner menu based on locally sourced ingredients. Couples particularly like the location ‚ they rated it 8.1 for a two-person trip.