At the same time, the club ranks among the best technically equipped clubs in the world.‚ They are also unique for its original character created through the preserved historic interior of the building, built at the turn of the 14th and 15th century.‚ Original mosaic tiles in corridors and walls, mosaic murals in the main halls and partially preserved spa facilities and swimming pools in the style of Roman baths, which now without water serves two floors as dance floors, combine with modern facilities and music to create an inimitable atmosphere thanks that Charles spa became the most visited dance clubs in the Czech Republic.
Apart from public baths in the past in the spa of Karlovy found, for example, coffee or newspaper publishing Karla Havlka Borovsky.‚ Since the second half of the last century the house was deserted and gradually fell into disrepair.‚ At the end of the 90s of last century, the idea of ‚‚the dilapidated house, standing just 100 meters from Charles Bridge, and reconstruct it into a music club.‚ His first club welcomed visitors to December 1, 1999.