Revival Bar has been entertaining guests, visitors and fans with the best in live musical performances, the hottest DJ‚s, live theatre, comedy since 2002‚ But Revival Bar is so much more. Revival‚s tasteful and flexible space has seen it host hundreds of corporate parties, be a studio for movie shoots, held wrap parties, fashion shows, weddings, symposiums and tradeshows.
Over the years, Revival is proud to have enjoyed artists such as Justin Timberlake, Black Eyed Peas, Kid Rock, Sara McLaughlin, Nelly Furtado, Cowboy Junkies and guests none other than Robin Williams, Conan O‚Brien, Ving Rhames and Tyrees to name a few.
With the renovation and addition of Stone Lounge downstairs, Revival Bar has evolved into a full entertainment complex boasting three floors for private parties and separate events.
Revival Event Venue‚ is very pleased to announce the latest technological upgrades to our audio system. Revival has never sounded so good.