‚The one who said, that you can‚t buy happiness with money, didn‚t know where to shop.‚ This quotation belongs to Bo Derek, an actress and a model (who shops in LA only because it is nearer than Sitnyakovo Blvd.), but it is also valid for Serdika Center.
There are 210 shops in Serdika Center Sofia and that that makes this mall an absolute leader in size and variety of presented brands, than any other project of that type.‚ We have selected international brands, which are new to the Bulgarian market, as well as astablished and well-known brands. Our goal is each and everyone of our clients to find what he/she is looking for, as far as type and price level of the goods and services are concerned. Cerdika Center team‚ aim is to create the coziest and most friendly atmosphere for our visitors and to make shopping an emotional experience.