At Taos Mountain Energy, each of our bars is unique in taste, texture and experience. When we start working on a new bar, we don‚t think of the process as ‚creating a new flavor.‚ Our bars aren‚t flavors ‚ they each have their own, stand-alone personalities. Every bar is the result of hundreds of hours in the kitchen, trying out new combinations of high-quality ingredients and tweaking the recipe until every batch is perfect. Sure, it would be easier to have a tasty ‚base formula‚ and spit out hundreds of variations of our most popular bar, but that‚s not what we‚re about.
Our bars aren‚t concocted in a laboratory ‚ they‚re crafted in a kitchen by people who believe that taste is foremost and that, no matter who you are, or what you‚re doing, you deserve to love what you eat.