Here at ‚The Corner Restaurant‚ we are thrilled to invite you to enjoy our international cuisine with a Thai-German touch; where home-made food, gracious service, and a casual atmosphere combine to create one of Phuket‚s most sought-after dining venues.
The Corner Restaurant brings together two very experienced and highly motivated owners. The menu is influenced by their international background, whilst their cuisine is prepared with the freshest ingredients. Both will make sure that your visit to ‚The Corner Restaurant‚ will be a fun-filled and relaxing experience in a casual, yet stylish dining atmosphere.
Jens Klein‚.moved to Thailand in 2001. Having worked seven years in the hotel industry, he moved on to pursue his carrier in the real estate sector and since then successfully built & refurbished various Condominium and Villa projects. ‚The Corner Restaurant‚ is his second restaurant venture.
Khun Arttie‚. has worked for several years at the well-known Twinpalms Hotel on Surin Beach, thus, is equipped with the right know how and 5 star service mindset to assure the most excellent service.
Both, Jens Klein and Khun Arttie, also own ‚RHRE Consulting Co., Ltd‚ ‚ which provides consultancy, management, training and manpower services for ‚Restaurant / Hotel & Real Estate‚ related matters. Their office is located right opposite the Corner restaurant.