Precise Tapas focuses on being an informal eatery with great flavors and easy service.‚ The interior keeps a relaxed style, and the atmosphere is as relaxing as the staff.‚ But in the kitchen everything is taken seriously.‚ A mixture of traditional Spanish tapas and Northern Norwegian produce is served as dug reindeer, king crab and rockfish.‚ Exactly the place is to go after a day filled with experiences.
The mighty experience of good taste can sometimes be a little too much, so much that one wants to be able to take just a bit of everything.‚ One wants to dream away, smile with friends and be seduced.‚ Yes, tapas is like Spanish.‚ We have taken a Spanish one, and formed our own, completely without asking.‚ The taste of the tundra in Finnmark is present, as well as the taste of goats from the French Alps and North Sea fish.‚ Although raw materials from distant skies are used when needed, we would rather be in the forefront of our local suppliers.‚ Troms¸ is located in the center for a starting point for raw materials that are unique.‚ The fish, lambs, shells and vegetables have so much space to make sure that there is happy food you get served.